Grand opening Safely reached the home port
01.12.2016 | Today it was finally time to open our doors to the public. Well-wishers present included press, shareholders and suppliers, staff, partner firms, guests and interested Flensburg residents. Boy Meesenburg and hotel director Kirsten Herrmann gave the opening speech. Following the ship launching tradition a bottle of the hotel’s own brand sparkling wine was smashed on the wall of the main building. This traditional shipbuilding custom should also bring our hotel and crew plenty of luck on its journey ahead.
As one of the last major rebuilding and refurbishment projects in Flensburg’s Old Town, work on our hotel started on 1 April 2014, with the foundation stone being laid almost one and a half years later on 6 November 2015. The different building styles and structures of the eight buildings dating from several different centuries were harmoniously united with one another – with the new buildings also optimally fitting in with the ensemble. Looking back at everything that has been achieved it is necessary to once again thank all those involved for their effort and commitment. “When you see how this project has been completed in record time and with such commitment, it can only be described as phenomenal”, said Kirsten Herrmann.